It’s been a while since my last post but I have been wanting to blog about all sorts of things from lure fishing tips using spinnerbaits, Perch Fishing tips in colder months, Seasonal lure fishing tips, my new creation of a catch log and my ill fated attempt at understanding predator fish behaviour, which by the way I have not give up on you will see more of that later this year. For now I have been enjoying …
Perch Fishing
Over the last few years I have found that the really fat perch catches happens during the months of November to February. However since November 2015 I have been fishing a grand total of three times, twice to the canal and once to Grafham reservoir targeting fat Zander. The outing to Grafham was not that spectacular with too much wind, not enough bites and lunch box left at home I think I have said enough about that!

The two occasions I have fished in the canal this month have been exciting for me because I have caught fish using methods that I would have usually used for Bass fishing (fresh water bass that is)
I have had all my good fish bar the biggest on skirted jigs mainly the Quantum Specialist ones in a fire tiger pattern the ideal weight being in the 5-7g range. Most recently I have brought a whole load of finesse jigs from Tackle Warehouse in America (easily the best tackle store in the world just for the selection and ease of use. Yes it take 2 weeks to get here but even their pricing makes it worth while.)

Having had a few fish on the standard Jig retrieve and the old dropshot methods I have found that catching these perch on a method I have not really seen been used in the UK has been great fun. Something else that I have found is Perch certainly do hang out in year groups I have had 4 perch all over 30cm on two separate occasions in a 50 meter stretch of the canal, wonder a little further and you are into the tiddlers again.
If you are into measuring your fish and keeping records I recommend getting a decent measuring tape. I was originally using a standard measuring tape commonly found in a ladies sewing box but this was a real pain in the backside, especially if you are trying to get an accurate photo of the measurement so I upgraded at expense to a Raw Finesse from Lure Lounge (the yellow tape measure) and it has been a much better experience, making measuring these perch a lot easier. I have also created a catch log that you are welcome to use for free. How it works is you put the required data in load up your picture and email address and it emails you your catch so that you have your own log to refer back to in the future. You can access it here A Fishermans Tale Catch Log I will say in advance that I have no programming skills so it takes a little longer to load your photo but it does really work and you can save it on your smart phone and use on the go. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any ideas changes that you would like to see to the log if you do use it.
If you have not yet had the chance to get out Perch fishing this year, please do yourself a favour and get out there on your canal, river or stillwater. The perch they are fat and they will bite. Until next time thanks for reading.
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