It has been a tough year for pretty much the whole world for the obvious reasons but when I sat down to review my year in fishing there was only one title I could think of. Fishing in 2020 a year for me to forget.
I do apologize for the negative start to this post. It is just the facts. I did not go fishing as much as I wanted to. Certainly not as much as I should have. There is many reasons and excuses for this, but I won’t get into them, rather I will spend time focusing on my most positive memory and the good headlines that I saw during 2020.
My top fishing memory for 2020
Is a fishing trip with my brother-in-law on the opening day at Rutland. This was a last-minute trip that was a pleasant surprise. I was fully expecting that I would have to book a day for mid-September when I called the fishing lodge. However, the ranger advised they actually had a few boats available for opening day. I gladly paid there and then to secure a two man boat.

Knowing that my brother in law Brandon was leaving to go back to New Zealand he was my chosen boat partner. I am sure he does not know this, but he was going to be on the boat if he liked it or not. I remember the weather was very pleasant with plenty of sunshine and not even the slightest breeze. These conditions led our approach to casting small shads like the Quantum Q-Paddler in 8cm and 12cm. Focusing on depths of water 25-55ft I selected an area that was not over the top of the most popular spots. Opting for an area where I have had experience of other predators not just the common Zander toothpicks. Turns out it was probably the best fishing decision I made all year. I had a grand slam of pike, perch and Zander within the first 30 mins. I don’t think Brandon enjoyed the day much as despite our best efforts we could not get him hooked into a decent predator. I ended the day with a suntan and several fish caught and released. I am looking forward to our next fishing trip Brandon it will surely be in New-Zealand or Australia chasing much bigger fish.
Looking at the wider fishing community
All the headlines in the popular fishing press say the UK has had record numbers of new anglers buying rod licensees to go fishing. This has given a much-needed boost to fishing tackle industry which can only be a good thing for the whole community. Speaking from an angler point of view and my local fishing spots I can definitely see this. For years I have been used to going fishing at my local spots and hardly ever seeing a sole. Today if I go fishing, I have to strategize when I will hit my favorite spots because of the number of anglers out fishing.
Looking forward to 2021
I wanted firstly to confirm that I do still love fishing. The passion has never left me it has merely been circumstance and attitude that has prevented me from doing as much fishing as I should have in 2020. I have committed to myself that I would be much more pro-active with planning ahead to ensure that I do get out more in 2021. The long walks along the bank in fresh air should do wonders for my overall health. Particularly my mental health. I do plan to participate more and give back more to the sport that I love. Generally I just want to be a better human being.
To all the people reading this I wish you and your families a very happy 2021. I hope you stay safe and healthy and I hope we can all be better human beings for each other.