There are several ways to do this and if you are planning to use braid on a baitcaster for the first time then this is how to spool braid onto a baitcaster.
What you need
- Baitcasting reel
- Mono line
- Braid
- Braid scissors
Step 1 – mono backing
Wind on some mono backing about 10-15 layers should do the trick
Step 2 – connecting the braid and the mono
Tie you braid and mono together using as neat a knot as you can I use either an Albright or FG knot but this is up to you.
Step 3 – braid mainline
Keeping tension on the line fill your spool as much as you need.
How to spool braid onto a baitcaster explained
For most of my fishing life I had used mono as my mainline. It was only when I picked up fishing in the UK around 2011/2012 that I discovered the benefits of using braid when learning to work Jerkbaits for pike. Since then I have not looked back. There are all sorts of benefits to using braid better bite detection, no line memory and thinner diameters for stronger breaking strength being the top benefits for me. That means most of my reels are spooled with braid but I had to learn how to spool braid onto a baitcaster first.
You see it’s not as simple as tie up and wind on. In my experience 99% of baitcasters come with a standard spool and do not have a braid band. A braid band is a small rubber or plastic ring placed on the spool that is put there to help ensure your braid does not slip on the spool during use. I learnt this the hard way.
The very first time I used braid on a baitcaster I tied the line directly to the spool as if I would with mono. Later when I was on the bank trying to reel in after a few casts I noticed the braid slipping and it got worse the more I used it. The big learning curve for me was when I had a bite and struck but had no positive hookset because the line slipped on what felt like a lovely take. How disappointed I was with braid at that point. I knew something was not right so busied myself asking my buddies and searching you tube for guidance.
It was youtube that provided an instructional how to video that really taught me how to spool braid onto a baitcaster. Basically I found out that there was two ways that this could be done.
- By first spooling a mono backing line ( my prefered meathod)
- By using some electric tape
The first and my preferred way of spooling braid is to first spool up a few layers of mono line. Nothing specific, I usually use the cheapest line I can find. This acts as a barrier of friction between the spool and my braid to stop slippage. Something that I discovered later was that by layering more mono I could use less braid. Good braid is expensive in my view so the more economical I am with it the more money I save. I can usually stretch one 150yard spool over two reels. This will also depend on the type of water I am fishing. Canals and small bodies of water I will use less braid. On big deep waters I will have spooled more braid for the obvious reasons.
After layering mono I then tie the braid to the mono using an Albright or FG knot. This keeps the connection neat and tidy. Ensuring that I am winding the braid onto my reel from the top of the spool I keep tension consistent. This gives a snug fit and further reduce the potential for line slip. I will always fill the spool to about 1-2mm below the lip keeping everything neat and tidy.
The second method of securing your braid to the spool. Tie your braid directly to the spool and stick down with electric tape does work. The reason its not my favourite I don’t appreciate the sticky residue that tape can leave on your reel so avoid this.
I hope this has been helpful if you have seen this for the first time and I would welcome any feedback or tips you can share with me in the comments section below. If you prefer to watch a video of this in action here is the link to my you tube channel.